Friday, December 7, 2007

On Death and Patriarchy in Crooklyn (Bell Hooks)

This article is true. Blacks for the most part, are displayed in a violent death, and it is just fine with no mourning. It also depends on the movie. The movies that Hooks listed are gansta movies. For example, I recently watched the new movie "American Gangster", and in this movie the black people are shot and killed like nothing is wrong and it is normal. It is also the movie. It was suppose to be brutal killings and no mercy was suppose to be shown because it was a harsh neighborhood. I think the movies that Hooks listed are similar. When she talks about the bodyguard, the movie just didn't show Houston morning because other events were going on in the movie. Its kinda like Duh of course she was sad. Stereotypical, this movies are always showing blacks as the characters of gansters. Rarely do you see a white person in a ganster movie killing people. Or if you see a white person in a ganster movie they are most likly to be white trash living in the 'hood'. This is a whole other topic, but I do think Hooks brings up a good point about African Americans.

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