Thursday, December 6, 2007

21st Century Dad

I think it is sad how dad's are portrayed in TV and in the media. My dad sure was not a dumb guy taking care of me. I don't understand why men are not portrayed as child nuturing parents like mothers. My dad is a elementary teacher, so he was great at raising kids. I don't know when the stereotype of dumb dads came around.

The article of "21st Century dad" makes me feel for the dad who stays at home. He really wants some credit, it is sad that not too many shows give dads real credit. I plan on my husband being a stay at home dad. It is a hard concept for my parents to understand why I would want to work and my husband stay at home. I think some men are great at raising children, and the credit needs to be given out more. I really wish the media would stop playing dads like 'Homer and the dad off of Family guy' it is annoying and sad. Not so humorous.

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