Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Codes of Television

The codes of television by John Fiske was a great article/ informational piece. I liked the part about camera work. I liked reading about the angle or focus the camera uses to capture certain images. Its weird how by the way a camera can focus or swing a certain can portray a villain to look or give off a vibe. I didn't know that close-ups are a way to represent a villain.

Its a written code of television for certain casting, music, editing, or lighting. It's cool that heroes are given 72 more secs than villains, I've never thought about this. For lighting it makes sense that a villain would be cast in a more yellowish light. For music I knew that the minor and major keys changes that one is obvious,but the others I had never known before. Stereotypes of codes are intertwined in all careers. It is widely scene in this article how it implies from the top to the bottom of all aspects of the movie industry.

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